Dating a guy out of town

Dating > Dating a guy out of town

Out Of Town Affairs, which brings together married men and women seeking sex, has been clicked on an astonishing 52,375 times in just seven months via computers exclusively used by members of the Houses of Parliament and their employees. In one month, Out Of Town Affairs received 289 Westminster hits a day. The variety of new members is fantastic. The Mail on Sunday made the discovery after submitting a Freedom of Uot request, asking for the top 500 websites accessed on Parliament computers over the past year. In November, it received 7,533 hits, in October, 8,971 hits, in August, 5,174, in July, 7,493, in June, 6,822 and in February, 7,925. There are thousands of hits on gambling websites, while i-am-bored. Facebook clocked up an astonishing 28 million hits over a year. Computer gaming is a popular Westminster pastime too, with chess and solitaire websites accessed thousands of times a month. Online daing such as FarmVille, Fairyland and Mafia Wars were also popular, while grooveshark. However, no investigation would be launched.

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